
First Aid E-book

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Would you know what to do if your child needed first aid? Our kids always have unplanned illnesses or injuries, and as parents, our first reflex is online search for what to do. Unfortunately, a lot of first aid information are either outdate, difficult to find or not replicable in kids.

As a Pediatric ER doctor and mom who has cared for a lot of these in ER and knows the nitty gritty as well as seen the overwhelm that comes with sick or injured kids, I created this easy-to-understand visual checklist/guide to help you confidently care for your little ones.

If you are looking for a resource to help you confidently offer first aid to your child and other little ones, this is the eBook you want.

This eBook contains:

  • Step-by-step First aid care for 50 common concerns in kids
    • How to manage cuts, bleeding, choking, head injuries and many more.
    • How to handle fever, vomiting and some respiratory illnesses etc.
    • When to seek further care.
  • Supplies every family should have on hand
  • Tips for Nasal suctioning
  • Bonus page for CPR (we recommend that parents take an actual CPR class)

I want every child to stay healthy but also want every parent to be prepared to help if anything happens.


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