You can ‘OAT’ it many ways.

You can ‘oat’ it anyhow you want.
But with kids, you have to ‘oat ‘ it a fun way
Having kids means you have to keep experimenting and coming up with new ideas to get them healthy and happy
That means making one of their least favorite but one of world’s healthiest foods, tasty and fun enough for them not to resist it.
Oats can be boring and unhealthy if taken the way ate it growing up- cooking in warm water and adding lots of milk and sugar to make it tasty.
Took me some growing up to realize that while I ate oats at least once a week as a child, the excessive ‘powdered milk’ and sugar I used was countering the health benefits I should have gained from it. Hence, my bad cholesterol ‘LDL’ was high.
I knew i didnt want that for my kids too
Health benefits
Oats are one of the healthiest grains on earth and about the most nutritious.
It not only contains a high amount of fibers that keep you feeling full, but also contains a good amount of calories, proteins and vitamins.
The soluble fiber content of oats helps or blood sugar control.
Oats are high in the soluble fiber beta-glucan. This partially dissolves in water and forms a thick, gel-like solution in the gut. And by doing this, it helps reduce blood sugar levels.
The Beta-glucan has been shown to increase the excretion of cholesterol-rich bile, hence reducing circulating levels of cholesterol in the blood.
For your constipated kids, the fiber content in oats is a healthy option to help promote regular bowel movements.
Did you know there are different types of oats?
When your family decides to add oats to the menu, you are already making a great decision. However, you want to choose the right type of oats for the recipe you are aiming for.
Yes! I learned this later in life but there are 4 main types of oats: Steel cut, Old fashioned , and Quick oats.
All oats start off as oat groats — the whole, unbroken grains. The difference between them is simply how much the oat groat has been processed.

Regardless of how much processing, the health benefits still exist for each so not worth the comparison but the type that’s supposedly the best are steel cut oats. And contrary to old knowledge, they can be eaten anytime of the day and not as breaskfast only
Here are some basic ways we eat it at home and still scouting for more
- The regular old boring way: Boiling the oats with water.
As a Nigerian, i grew up taking it this way and the only way i knew to make it sweet was with spoonfuls of powdered fat-filled milk and sugar. Definitely sweet but is a receipe for a heart attack waiting to happen.
I still make it this way sometimes but we skip the high fat powdered milk and sugar, and use raisins with or without almond milk, and some fruits for some flavor.
If you prefer a soft, mushy texture you should choose the ‘Quick oats’ because this has been cooked and processed previously it’s easier to work with faster. It also has some nice flavor to it
2. Granola bars:
When I started buying granola bars, I knew there must be a healthier and cheaper way to encourage my kid’s obsession. I would buy the Chewy granola bars or the Aldi brand granola bars and it’ll be gone in a nano-second. Yes, my kids love it.
And what happens when your kids love things a lot more than you can keep up? You either buy a whole lot more or better yet figure out how you can make it at home. I chose to figure it out and now make it at home with any type of toppings I can think of.
I’m not a ‘health enforcement agent’ but I strive to choose some healthier options when I can.
Here are my granolar bar items:
And if you can’t make it out from the picture; here’s a list
- Old fashioned oats
- Raisins
- Hone
- Butter
- Chocolate chips
3. Overnight oats:
This started out as my night shift excitement, but has slowly made its way to a regular for some of my children (when you have 3 kids, there’s a lot choices going on).
The best part of overnight oats is the ease of making it and being able to spice it up with different fruits or toppings.
All you need for the base are:
- Old fashioned oats
- Milk (I use almond milk)
- Yogurt (greek is healthiest)
- Maple syrup
I don’t measure it by cups or spoons, I just ‘eye-ball’ it and has worked perfect for me. (I will make another post with recipe soon)
If you are aiming for a fruity overnight oats, top it with any fruit ofyour choice. Feel free to mix them up. My kids love the strawberry and banana mix.
If you want chocolatey, they you’ll need about a tablespoon of hazelnut ‘nutella’ and some chocolate chips.
We make a whole lot of different flavors and leave them overnight(s) and voila we have more than enough
Here’s what you want to avoid:
- Don’t use quick oats: it’s never the same. Wayy to mushy.
- Skip the vanilla extract (some recipes use it): it makes it too sweet
- Choose healthy maple syrup and skip the corn syrup
- The longer you leave it in the fridge, the better it gets (like wine, gets better with age)
I must say i am slowly but successfully making oats a staple food at home. If you want your children to eat oats, you have to get a little more creative with it. Remember the varied health benefits
I’ll be posting more oat recipes in the future but let me know what other ways your children eat oats.