Newborn skin rashes
Acne, Cradle cap, Heat rash
– what to know and do
Congratulations on your bundle of joy!
You are settling in as being a new parent with all the feeding, diaper and sleep cycles. Everything seems to be stressful and off.
You barely have enough hours in a day or get enoiugh sleep.
Then, ‘BAM’, within the net few weeks when you seem to be getting the hand of it, your baby breaks out in rashes especially on the head and face.
Just the added stress you don’t need.
BREATHE! let’s talk about it.
The good thing is that newborn rashes are usually very benign- meaning they rarely cause any issues that are permanent. In fact, they just look WORSE than they really are
There are a lot of rashes newborns can develop but these are the 3 main ones that are concerning for parents and send then to their pediatrician or even a midnight ER visit (because they are tired of seeing it)
– Neonatal Acne
– Cradle Cap (seborrheic dermatitis)
– Heat Rash (Milaria)
Regardless of what type of rash it is, 4 points I always want you to remember
- Keep their skin clean. They may not need to bath everyday but if they have the rashes, you can aim to bath with mild soap and water or sponge bath area at least every 2 days
- Clip or file their nails short. Some of these rashes are irritating to their face and babies also easily scratch their faces. This can increase risk of infection.
- More is not better. Avoid switching multiple products. Using multipls products can further irritate the skin and make the rashes worse.
- Know when to stop trying things and request an appointment with a Dermatologist (skin specialist.)
Below are some of my favorite newborn skin care products. (be sure to check with your provider if your child has sensitive skin)
-The Dermafrida flakefixer brush and Mustela shampoo moose are a great combo for cradle cap
– Remember to choose fragrance free mild bath soaps- Cerave baby; Aquahor baby, Honest shampoo & bodywash
-Moisturizing is so key for the newborn. You can use Petroleum jelly or Aquaphor
Breastmilk has also been shown to have some benefits for some of these rashes Be sure to check in with you provider and see how it helps.
Hope this helps you and your little one
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