IMG Q&A Series

May 2021

Hey IMGs,

Hello There!

How’s the 2nd quarter of the year going for your so far?

Applications will begin soon and a lot of you have reached out with questions related to optimizing your applications.

Last week, I listened to the amazing and inspiring Dr. Samuel Nurko who is currently the Director for the motility center at Boston Children’s hospital. He narrated his journey (and ordeal) as an IMG since the 1980s. His story and struggles give me hope and should do so for all of you.

The IMG journey is laden with struggles and biases but your hard work will be worth it.

Whatever you do or think, don’t give up. Keep going.

Don’t forget to download my free mini-step by step guide to being an IMG in the US and purchase my e-book (which has been upgraded to a paid version).

Be sure to read the previous Q&A’s because I may have covered the topic or question before.

I’ll put the box up some time again for June so be sure to stay tuned and follow me on my instagram page: @dr_norajiaka



nkeiruka orajiaka IMG



When is the best time to send out Personal statements (PS) to our mentors and friends to proofread? 

I always say as soon as possible (asap). Unless you are paying for a proof-reading service and you have allotted deadlines of review, you are never sure of other people’s schedule

A great PS has multiple drafts and the 1st draft you sent for proof-reading will likely be totally different from what you end up with

Start writing your PS at least 3-4 months in advance. This lets multiple people (if you want) re-read and give you feedback.

Great things take time so always start early.

I will be offering a FREE PS review for 5 people this year. Be sure to follow me on Instagram to know when I announce


Should you include volunteer work in your application?

Yes, you should. That shows your ability to invest in or contribute to the community.

However,  it is preferable to focus on volunteer work related to the specialty you are applying for. Also, limit it to volunteerism in college (university) and those you started in high school that you continued till college.

One-time volunteering in high school has little to no help in your application and may make your application seem to busy.

Would you recommend applying to different specialties? 

I  would not discourage that. Matching into residency as an IMG can be very competitive and sometimes discouraging, so to some expanding their options helps. I did the same

I was interested in Pediatrics but also applied to Family medicine.

However, programs can tell your preferred specialty from your application. Family medicine programs I applied to told me they could tell I was more interested in pediatrics based on the letters and activities I had.

So, if you are interested in applying to more specialties, be sure to streamline different personal statements to match the different specialties. BUT also heavily focus on the specialty that will make you happy


IMG Moms/ Parents
Did you have any support groups when you were preparing?

I did not. it can certainly feel isolating as an IMG preparing for this journey, especially if you’ve been out of medical school for a few years. However, social media is a great networking platform you can use to your advantage now 

How do you recommend I find IMG mentors?

Mentorship is key in medicine and I listed a lot of options on this in my ebook.

I also offer mentorship to IMGs but at this time, I have a lot of mentees and not accepting more. I am always available to answer questions.

IMG ebook
You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.
                                                        -Wayne Gretzky

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