I didn’t grow up green, but i try

Isn’t it exciting trying new foods, especially when you didn’t grown up eating it?
Well, that wasn’t my relationship with broccoli.
If there’s one thing i always tried to stay away from, it was Broccoli.
No, it wasn’t like we had a relationship that didnt work out or that i ever tried it and hated it. I just always saw it as a tree. And why would i want to eat a tree.
Yes, I am Nigerian and growing up, the veggies i ate were either in our local soup or something called ‘green’ which was cut in small pieces and cooked till it was pretty much ‘dead’. My siblings and I never really liked anything veggies and dinner that included any form of veggies meant struggle. Also meant my mother sitting on the table with an eye on us till all dinner was don’t.
We never tried broccoli but the struggle with other veggies already set me off on a wrong foot. Now you understand what i mean about my distant relationship with Broccoli.
5 years after living in the US, i decided I’ll just give it a try.
I tried it in a wrong place, at a potluck party (i know right, don’t judge me). At potluck parties, everyone is expected to bring their ‘favorite dish’ i suppose or at least make an attempt to bring a dish good enough for others to be impressed. But I’ve learned after multiple potluck that some just whip up anything and toss on the table, or maybe they have totally different taste buds than i do, or maybe they just don’t know how to cook (plain fact).
After my 1st contact with the ‘wrong’ broccoli dish i swore never to eat it again. I just stuck with my usual basic veggies like carrots, peppers, lettuce.
But every time, I saw toddlers or preschoolers chewing on broccoli like it was ‘candy’, I was always super-impressed.
How are they eating these trees?
2 years later, my curiosity and my interest in cooking new foods drew me back to it.
This time, I had cousin make it for me. I was totally blown away. There and then Broccoli and I formed a relationship. It wasn’t Broccoli’s fault, it was my wrong belief and the fault of who ever made the tasteless one at the potluck party.
Happy to say, Broccoli is now part of my family.
Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables. And I am happy I am not missing out of these health benefits any longer:
- Packed with a lot of Vitamins and Minerals- and fiber
- Contains potent anti-oxidants- these are molecules that neutralize cell damage and helps reduce inflammation
- May help with cholesterol regulation, especially the bad cholesterol
- The fiber content helps with bowel function and reduce constipation
Now I make it so many ways. No, i do not eat it just boiled because i think the spicing it up is the key to a delicious mean. I usually stir fry it with a lot of other peppers and onions and spices- Magi, pepper and a little oil
Try this recipe.
– small heads of broccoli
– 1 medium red and yellow pepper
– 1 medium sized green pepper
– half of an onion (depends on the size, i used a large)
– Pepper
– Magi
– 1 tbsp of canola or olive oil or any oil of your choice
In a wide frying pain, add your onions and peppers first, then the oil for about 5 mins. Add the broccoli and then all your spices once you add broccoli. Saute for less than 5 mins (you don’t want to overcook it and lose the vitamins)
Add more spices to your taste. And you are done
Toss on any food your choice or eat just that
I tossed mine on brown rice and some beans and a side of corn. pretty easy and tasty and healthy
I’ll be posting videos on it soon