Do you routinely discuss health related topics (besides nutrition and fitness) with your child?

“Yes, No, OR it depends on if they ask”

Unfortunately, most children don’t know enough about their bodies- the way the body normally functions and what is abnormal or about the hazards around them.

I really enjoy having some kids totally ‘nerd out’ when they talk to me about health stuff- how the right side of the brain controls the left part of the body; how their digestive system works, etc

Since homeschooling is the new ‘normal’, take a few minutes of your homeschooling time and spice it up with a little health talk or video or activity.

Not sure where to start? No problem. I’ve compiled a list of topics with links on where to start

Depending on your child’s age, you can choose from videos, games, activities,  instead of plain text. Be sure to:

  • Review and monitor what your child is watching. Most of them are open so kids can easily jump to other things
  • Watch the videos and sites to be sure they are culturally and religiously appropriate for your family
  • Check in with your pediatrician for more clarification

Welcome to

As a pediatrician and mother, I find joy in bringing your great & helpful info on medicine, motherhood and motivation.

Here the list goes:

Thought it might be a good idea to start with teaching them about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you have already heard or taught them enough about it, feel free to skip along to the rest below.

Preschoolers and early grade school:

Consider reading some first and explaning to them

Nutrition and healthy eating: 

They can review the tips or take a quiz.Also has options for videos.

Food classess: Print out activity for classifying 

All about sleep for kids: 

What’s a booger? For younger kids, these are best read and taught to them

What’s a fart?

Why does my nose run?

Why do I yawn? 

Dental Care:

Additional topics for older Grade school

How the body works: these ‘easy to understand’ videos are great. They can choose a different system each or play a word finding game after that.  Most of them were great, loved the ‘brain videos’

What is normal stool and how to deal with constipation?

Peanut allergies

Asthma activity and triggers

Have them hunt for hazards in the home with Scholastic game: 


Hope you find some of these useful and helpful.

I would love to hear your comments and recommendations.

So, leave a comment below.

Fun ways to teach your child about health & their body.

by Mar 25, 2020

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